by "Sprint" and Cathy Rogers |
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Winning NO HANDICAPPING Selection Method for Thoroughbred Horse Racing, Quarter Horse Racing, Harness Racing, and Dog Racing
NEVER AGAIN PLANBut first of all please read what just a few of our many SATISFIED CUSTOMERS have to say - CLICK HEREThe NO HANDICAPPING Selection MethodA morning line/probable odds numerical application for WINNING SELECTIONS for Thoroughbred Horses, Quarter Horses, Trotters and Dog Racing.
Whether you are playing the Thoroughbreds, the Quarter horses, the Trotters or the Dogs you NEVER AGAIN have to spend your valuable time or money buying or figuring out any system or service. The NEVER AGAIN Plan works for any of the above type races in the world that gives access to a morning line/probable odds. If you are of normal intelligence like the authors of this selection method, your first instinct will be to burn this ad and/or to be a non believer of what is contained in this material. Do yourself a favor. Don't be stubborn or hard headed. Don't think you know all the answers or you have to know all the answers. You don't have to know why this selection method works. The important thing is that when you apply it you will see by the results that it does work. And don't think this is just playing the 2nd or 3rd morning line odds. It is NOT !! It will really amaze you!! THE NEVER AGAIN PLAN TAKES LESS THAN 1 MINUTE TO ANALYZE ANY TYPE OF RACE WITH UNCANNY ACCURACY !!The NEVER AGAIN PLAN is amazingly simple. It will only take you 5 to 10 minutes to master. In fact, all you look for is only one factor and if it's there you have a play which is a probable winning race. The NEVER AGAIN PLAN is not new. It has been used by a select group of horseplayers since 1992. It has passed the test of time for others and now it's your time. The Never Again Plan comes with complete instructions including 1 full week's workouts (5 days) with step by step explanation of each race. The results of this week's workouts are staggering. How about 75 % wins!!! PLEASE REMEMBER THE NEVER AGAIN PLAN CAN BE USED BY ANY RACING MARKET IN THE WORLD THAT USES A MORNING LINE/ PROBABLE ODDS. AVAILABLE IN ENGLISH ONLY!! YOU CAN RECEIVE THE NEVER AGAIN PLAN RIGHT FROM THE INTERNET (BY DOWNLOAD/PRINT).RETAIL PRICE $69.95 (US FUNDS)order THE NEVER AGAIN PLAN NOW AND SAVE $ 30.00 ONLY $39.95! ORDER NOW AND RECEIVE 2 ADDITIONAL FREE BONUSES (see below)! RECENT SATISFIED CUSTOMERS Just wanted to drop you a note made 46.00 on my first try at keenland, The monkeys off my back at that place finally. SB
Just wanted to give you an updated testimonial for the Never Again Plan. Spent the afternoon at the today. Used the never again system exclusively and followed the rules of it and the total control investing. Netted a profit of $40. Not much, but good for me as a small timer. The amazing thing was that I won close to 50% of the races I played. Also amazing was how well it worked for the Greyhounds. I hit a $50 and $60 exacta plus several $10 winners. Great system, I don't how you figured that out, but IT WORKS!!! C - Fort Myers FL
Sprint & Cathy, Almost one week ago I purchased your never again plan and I must say the results have been remarkable to game plan is to take the longest odds of the two horses getting 5-1 or more odds...I find this is working with much success both with the trotters and thoroughbreds. regards paul Hi Sprint just a little note to tell you about last nights 1st. race at the Meadowlands 3/24. I come up with the 7, 9 horses which I played (thank god), The 7, 9 hit cold......... 7 paid 51.80 to win and the 9 paid 28.00 for 2nd. and the exacta. paid $ 1,793.40 Thank you again so much for such a great plan Ron
Hi Cathy & Sprint;
I bought the never again plan from you about
3 to 4 months ago. leaving it on the shelf for future use, I was a fool,
if I'd have used it then I'd have been thousands richer!
I can tell you I've lost thousands following other racing guru's , who's systems never work. when I first tested your system I was skeptical to say the least, now I can't believe how good it is at selecting winners and sometimes 2nd & 3rd's in the same race! You are the best, if only I could have found your site earlier. thank you ! It's like having a genie at my disposal, I'm also learning even after a couple of days how to improve on my selections, by checking the results from previous days races. I want to come and shake your hand, you are the best thing that ever happened to me, thanks Cathy & Sprint from the bottom of my heart. - Jim
SPECIAL BONUS SPECIAL BONUS! Order NOW and receive a FREE COPY of "TOTAL CONTROLLED INVESTING" which is the copyrighted Money Management used by the Professional Handicappers Association and our members since 1975. In fact, this is the same Money Management Plan that has been nationally acclaimed as the plan that makes it almost impossible to lose at any racetrack. SPECIAL BONUS 2! You will also receive a FREE COPY of the "Inner Secret of the Daily Double". This is a limited offer so DON'T GET SHUT OUT! be sure to order now!!
Click the Button Below "Pay Pal Click Here to Buy" to Order from Pay Pal. After you order CLICK RETURN TO MERCHANT to download the Never Again Plan Only $39.95 You do not need an account with Paypal Click on "Pay With a Credit Card - If you don't have A Pay Pal Account". You can make just a single purchase. If for any reason you cannot place your order or if you have any questions please send an email to the following address
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