The following information is the result of a study of 26710 starters which represents 3388 winners/races. Although this is more than we anticipated, this is not a complete study, but as is will give you an insight into some positive and negative factors. We're going to round off the study at 5000 races and at that time the complete results and our recommendations will be forwarded to you.
The study was broken down into many different categories related to racing which we will call characteristics. The purpose was to determine which factors we feel are positive and which are negative.
To do this we came up with an Impact Value which is a statistical approach to probability. This puts the end to the nonsense of assuming that the percentage of races won by horses with a given characteristic can be used as a guide post to anything but losing. This kind of a figure is supplemented with the percentage of starters which contains this characteristic. When we divide the percentage of winners by the percentage of starters we get an Impact Value. This value determines what share of races the particular characteristic wins.
If the characteristic has an Impact Value of 1.00, it means that this category has won no more and no less than it's fair share of races or is par. Therefore, an Impact Value (I.V.) of under 1.00 is a negative value and greater is a positive value. The greater the Impact Value number over 1.00 the more powerful it is. The more the Impact Value is under 1.00 the more negative the factor is.
There were 2974 horses who ran in a sprint race their last race and a route in their next race out. They resulted in only 358 winners which represents only 12 % of the starters in this group. However, the 358 winners did represent 22% of the total route winners/races.
The Impact Value of this factor is only a .85 with 1.00 being par. Thus .85 is a NEGATIVE characteristic.
There were 2325 horses who ran a route race in their last race and a sprint in their next race out. They resulted in only 224 winners which represents only 10 % of the starters in this group. However, the 224 winners did represent 13 % of the total sprint winners.
The Impact Value of this factor is only a .83 and again is an UNFAVORABLE figure from par.
STARTERS WINNERS How Many Percent How Many Percent I.V. Sprints to Routes 2974 26 358 22 .85 Routes to Sprints 2325 15 224 12.5 .83
There were 1119 starters that attempted to switch from Grass to Dirt with only 117 being able to accomplish it. This represents 10 % of those that started in this group. However, the 117 winners did represent only 4 % of the total winners.
The Impact Value of this group is .83 which is a NEGATIVE factor and below par.
There were 1142 starters that attempted to switch from Dirt to Grass their last start. This represented 33 % of those that started in this group. However, the 118 winners did represent 13 % of the total grass winners.
The Impact Value is .40 which is NEGATIVE and way below par and is definitely not winning it's fair share of races.
STARTERS WINNERS How Many Percent How Many Percent I.V. Grass to Dirt 1119 4.8 117 4 .83 Dirt to Grass 1142 33 118 13.3 .40
There were 2745 starters that went up 1 class level from it's last out. This resulted in 348 winners and this represented 13 % of those that started in this group. However, the 348 winners did represent 10 % of the total of all winners/races.
The Impact Value for this factor is 1.00, which actually means any horse that is going up 1 class level IS WINNING it's fair share of races.
There were 173 starters that went up 2 or more class levels from it's last out. This resulted in 17 winners which represented 10 % of their starters in their group. However, the 17 winners did represent 1/2 % of all winners.
The Impact Value is .83 which means this factor DOES NOT win it's fair share.
This is an interesting cagtegory. Horses returning to the same class as their previous race actually are a poor proposition. In this study, we found 7083 starters which resulted in 822 winners. The winners represented 24 % of all the winners.
The Impact Value though was only .91 which means it still DID NOT WIN it's fair share of races.
There were 3940 starters that dropped 1 class level from their last race. This resulted in 551 winners which represented 14 % of those that started in this group. However, the winners represented 16 % of all winners.
The Impact Value for this value is 1.07. This means that horses dropping 1 class level DO WIN their fair share of races.
There were 588 staters that dropped 2 class levels or more from it's last start. 98 of these won which represents 17 % of those that started in this group. The 98 winners did represent 3 % of all the winners.
STARTERS WINNERS How Many Percent How Many Percent I.V. Up 1 Class Level 2745 10.3 348 10.3 1.00 Up 2 Class Levels 173 .6 17 .5 .83 Same Class 7083 26.5 822 24.1 .91 Drop 1 Class Level 3940 15 551 16 1.07 Drop 2 Class Levels 558 2.1 98 2.9 1.38
We next look at the starters who ran in a claiming race last out who are going to a non-claiming race. This resulted in 1161 starters and of those there were 114 winners which represented 10 % of that started in this group. The overall picture in this group came up with an Impact Value of .69 which is VERY WEAK.
Next we looked at non-claimers (Allowance, Handicap or Stakes) coming to a claiming race. This top proved to be a weak category. There were 1732 starters with only 184 winners which represented 11 % of those that started in this group.
The Impact Value of this category is .69 which is under par. Therefore, this is also WEAK.
STARTERS WINNERS How Many Percent How Many Percent I.V. Claimer to Non-Claimer 6723 17.3 114 11.9 .69 Non-Claimer to Claimer 1732 9.8 184 8.7 .89
Shippers was another interesting category, because we only looked at starters that were shipping to racetracks ouside of their own circuit. We found 3879 starters and 549 winners in this category. This represented 14 % of those that started in this category.
The IMPACT VALUE was GOOD for this category. They won more than their fair share of races. In fact,it was 1.10.
We looked at 2471 starters who won their last race out and much to our amazement, we found 475 winners which meant that this group was definitely WINNING MORE than it's fair share.
In fact, the Impact Value was 1.5. The overall picture was that they won 19 % of their starters of all the total winners.
This was another strong group. There were 6043 starters which turned in 1076 winners. In fact, 18 % of their starters won and they represented 33 % of all the winners and had a VERY POWERFUL Impact Value of 1.40
We combined the previous 2 categories and here's what happened. There were 8784 starters that were in the money their last race and they turned in a whopping 1551 winners which was 18 % of those that started in this group. This represented 48 % of all total winners.
The Impact Value was 1.38. Again, this factor is VERY POWERFUL.
There were 14930 starters that finished 4th or worse in their last race. This resulted in 1514 winners which represents 10 % of those that started in this group. However, the winners did represent 47 % of all the winners.
But the Impact Value for this category is 80 which is below par and is therefore WEAK.
STARTERS WINNERS How Many Percent How Many Percent I.V. 1st last out 2471 9.8 475 14.7 1.50 2nd or 3rd last out 6043 23.8 1076 33 1.40 1st, 2nd or 3rd 8784 34.7 1551 48 1.38 4th or worse 14930 59 1514 47 .80
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